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 Moving forum

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Robrecht Samuel
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Robrecht Samuel

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PostSubject: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue May 03, 2011 11:52 am

Hello folks!

I've been contacted by the game admin and one of the admins of the french forum. The proposal is to move our forum to the French forum so maybe more people will play and form RP. Normally we would have our own region, with our own institutions, so everything will be the same except the location of the forum.

What do you think?
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyWed May 04, 2011 2:13 am

It could be a good idea, especially with the activity lately.
No mayor at the moment, no answers.
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyThu May 05, 2011 4:46 am

ok.... Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyThu May 05, 2011 1:38 pm

Il semble logique puisque nous sommes inscrits sur le même jeu que nous partagions le même forum.
J'ai une question.
Est ce que les RP en cours pourront être transférés sur l'espace qui nous sera alloué ?

It seems logical since we are registered on the same game that we share the same forum.
I have a question.
Are the current rp can be transferred to the space that we will be allocated ?

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyWed Jul 20, 2011 5:32 am

Yes, move it. Maybe this way will have a common space to report bugs and someone will actually read it.
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyWed Jul 20, 2011 4:57 pm

hello hello

Mario, that’s my admin name on the french part of the game. As you agree, Robrecht and I, are going to move you game on the french part . I’m going to create the english kingdom , then we ‘ll transfer what you want. As we can just copy and past ( we can not merge the 2 fora), it’s going to take a little time. So , please, don’t ask us to transfer non important RP ( I mean important for a lot of people). Rob , of course, will stay your admin but as Gales said, you ‘ll be able to post the bugs or your questions with all the other players.

I’m also the IG admin , having a tool that can help out in case of bug ( not all bugs unfortunately).

so ready?

Euh...I forgot to tell you one important thing...i’m a bad guy Razz Razz Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyWed Jul 20, 2011 5:10 pm

Vous auriez du vous abstenir de prononcer la dernière phrase. Finalement je préfère rester ici. Au moins je fais tout ce qui me plait. La la la.

J'ai le droit de revenir sur ma décision non ?
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyThu Jul 21, 2011 2:50 am

en même temps, je suis admin ici aussi Razz Razz

et l’humour n’a pas l’air d’être votre tasse de thé

Anyway, I’m the Admin here Also, thanks to Rob.

My sentence was here for fun. To read on the second degree.
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Robrecht Samuel

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 6:05 am

Back from my holiday. I think the moving of the forum can start Smile

I think we should shrink the number of forums we need. We don't actually use them all...

Maybe we should make a list? Galeswinthe can you make a list for the township?

Palace of Whitehall
The entrance and great hall are directly in this forum.
  • Apartments of Whitehall: apartments for the Royal Family
  • Royal Library: Library with books, registers, laws, ...
  • Royal Council (limited access: Council Members): Meeting room for the High Council of England
  • Chamber of Heralds (limited access: Heraldry of England): Meeting room for the Heralds of England
  • Ambassadors Room: Meeting room for the ambassadors of England and the foreign ambassadors

I think the religion needs to be revised and I hope to speak the Pope soon.

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 7:34 am

Great, As soon as you have the plan of the forum, I'll do it.

About the religion, I don't know how it works here. In France, the admins are talking about a new idea, a new way of helping the religious RP in Divine Rights.
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Robrecht Samuel

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 10:35 am

Mmm interesting. Maybe we could apply the same rules for religion in England too.

Also everyone needs to register on the new forum. Maybe the link in game can be changed?
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 10:59 am

Je ne fais que reprendre les topics déja créés

+ Middlesex County +

. London .
Place to express opinions and meet the others inhabitants of London, capital of the Kingdom of England.

En annonce
Announcements of the County of Middlesex

En post it
Charter for the town(s) of England
Laws of Middlesex
[RP] Mayors Office
[RP] Reception of the villagers
[RP] Office of the Councillor of Security
[RP] Office of Recruitment of the Army
[RP] Parochial Church of St Bartholomew-the-Great
[RP] St Paul's Cathedral

Lorsque ma poupée était mairesse d'Amiens il y avait un conseil municipal avec accès restreint aux membres. Je ne sais pas si il existe ici en tout cas je n'en ai pas les clés.
Après voici les fils que gals utilise

Situation inventory of the city
Final balance sheet
Prices of the products
List of Professionals
London needs...
Points of Esteem, exchange here !

Je crois que j'ai fait le tour...
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Robrecht Samuel

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Age : 38

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 11:08 am

Mmm, I thought I gave you the keys... I'll have a look.

EDIT: Done, I didn't give them, normally you have them now.
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 12:12 pm

Waouh la caverne d'Ali baba...

Vous auriez pu me donner les clés plus tôt hein ! Mad

Wow the cave of Ali Baba

Pfff you could give me the keys as soon eh !

Bon Mario je zieute et je reviens vers vous pour la suite...
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 11:42 am

great, When it’s ready, i’ll do it.

Super, quand c’est prêt je crée les fora.

do you want us to bring all the topics ( and the rp in them)? Or only the topics?

Devons nous importer les rp des topics cités, ou juste créer les topics, à vide?
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 11:43 am

Bon alors reprenons...

Dans le comté du Middelsex (Middlesex County) nous avons Londres (London) et Council of the County (caché aux yeux des londoniens)

En annonces
[RP/NRP] Absences

Welcome/bye bye councillors

Seals of the County

En post it
Finances of the County

[RP] Office of the Councillor of the People

[RP] Office of the Earl

[RP] Office of the Treasurer

[RP] Office of the Judge

[RP] Office of the Prosecutor

Book III - The Trade Laws
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 11:47 am

Désolée j'avais pas vu votre question.

Oui il y aura certains post à importer. Pourquoi ?

Et puis mes deux RP qui sont en cours à Londres

[RP] Is there something over the rainbow ...

[RP] Au comptoir d’Artémis, herboristerie

Après chacun a une bouche pour parler...

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 11:55 am

Quote :
Oui il y aura certains post à importer. Pourquoi ?

ben pour savoir histoire de pas importer des trucs vieux qui servent pas.

in order not to copy what ’s useless
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyTue Jul 26, 2011 12:45 pm

Oui il faut faire le tri... C'est vous qui le ferez ? *mode naïve*
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyWed Jul 27, 2011 5:35 am

Dernière partie...

Dans l'onglet London vous avez un bureau caché celui du conseil municipal

. Council of London .

Pas grand chose à retenir à mon sens

Census of London (à transformer en Councillor of reception

Councillor of Security letter (à transformer en Councillor of Security)
Daily Multi list (les deux sujets n'en feront plus qu'un)

Prices for Goods

Mayors Letter

Charter for all Towns in England

Town Taxes

{Guide} Councilor of Finance (à transformer en Councilor of Finance)
Daily Reports for the Councillor of Finance (les deux sujets n'en feront plus qu'un)

Voilà j'ai fait le tour *souffle*
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 1:54 pm

thanks a lot, I’ll do it following this plan

Merci beaucoup, je fais ca en suivant ton plan.

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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptyThu Sep 01, 2011 11:15 pm

Mario je viens de voir que le forum fermait ses portes à la fin du mois.

Avez vous fini sur le forum français le transfert des topics ? Est ce que nous pouvons continuons à poster ici jusqu'au 30 septembre.

Sur London vous n'avez pas créé le conseil municipal (council of London) dont l'accès doit être restreint aux membres du conseil

Le Council of the county est accessible à tous ? Ici il est accessible aux seuls conseillers du comté.
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 2:02 pm

faut juste me dire et je fais

un groupe: concil members

Un sous fofo: council of london

un groupe: County concilors ( c’est le mot?)

un sous fofo: Council of the county

c’est ca?

les topic, j’ai mis les deux tiens. Le reste, si besoin, je transfère mais comme tu semble la quasi seule active je me suis dis qu’on pouvait simplement recréer les topics voulu. à toi de me dire.

je te nomme modo de toute la section anglaise?

Robrecht, will you have time to be chief censor? please , register on the other forum that I can give you all the keys
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PostSubject: Re: Moving forum   Moving forum EmptySat Sep 03, 2011 2:21 pm

Bah j'avais déjà expliqué les choses non ?

council members

county concillors

pour le reste c'est bon. Je ferai les transferts de ce que j'ai besoin. Merci quand même.

Edit : pour councilors ou councillors je ne sais plus je le vois écrit des deux façons.
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